Gene Ontology Report

Basic Information
ID GO:0006917
Name induction of apoptosis
Type biological process

GO:0006917 related genes in MK4MDD (count: 13)
Approved Symbol Approved Name Type No. of Studies (Positive/Negative) Evidence
TNFRSF25 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 25 Literature-origin 1(1/0) TAS[8875942]
DFFA DNA fragmentation factor, 45kDa, alpha polypeptide Literature-origin 1(1/0) IEA
NGFR nerve growth factor receptor Literature-origin; SNP mapped 1(0/1) IEA
BAX BCL2-associated X protein Literature-origin 1(1/0) IDA[11912183]; IMP[11350920]; NAS[9920818]
APOE apolipoprotein E Literature-origin; Protein mapped 2(0/2) IDA[12753088]
MX1 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1, interferon-inducible protein p78 (mouse) Literature-origin 1(1/0) TAS[9389754]
TNF tumor necrosis factor Literature-origin; SNP mapped; Protein mapped 5(5/0) IDA[18202225]
MAPK1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 Literature-origin 2(2/0) TAS[10958679]
NUPR1 nuclear protein, transcriptional regulator, 1 Literature-origin 1(1/0) NAS
PLAGL1 pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1 Literature-origin 1(1/0) TAS[9671765]
LTA lymphotoxin alpha (TNF superfamily, member 1) Literature-origin; SNP mapped 2(1/1) TAS[6334807]
MAL mal, T-cell differentiation protein Literature-origin 1(1/0) NAS[10366425]
PAWR PRKC, apoptosis, WT1, regulator Literature-origin; Protein mapped 2(1/1) ISS