The combinations of G-T-G-G haplotype for rs6269, rs4633, rs......
The combinations of G-T-G-G haplotype for rs6269, rs4633, rs4818 and rs4680 were only present in the MDD group (G-T 4.5%, corrected sim P=0.0001; G-T-G 3.87%, corrected sim P=0.001; G-T-G-G 3.3% corrected sim P=0.0025). More...
COMT was associated with depression following exposure to s......
COMT was associated with depression following exposure to stressors (chi2=13.05, d.f.=2, p=0.0015) and SERTPR also showed a positive association (chi2=6.70, d.f.=2, p=0.035), mainly among women and among major depressives. The interaction between COMT and SERTPR was also significant (p=0.0005). More...
Depressed individuals displayed a higher frequency of the Me......
Depressed individuals displayed a higher frequency of the Met/Met and Met/Val genotypes compared to controls (OR=1.49, CI(95%)=1.11-2.00, P=0.009).More...
Positive relationships between COMT and other components at different levels (count: 8)
Genetic/epigenetic locus
Protein and other molecule
Cell and molecular pathway
Neural system
Cognition and behavior
Symptoms and signs
Positive relationship network of COMT in MK4MDD
Network loading ...
1. The different color of the nodes denotes the level of the nodes.
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus
Protein and Other Molecule
Cell and Molecular Pathway
Neural System
Cognition and Behavior
Symptoms and Signs
2. Besides the component related relationships from literature, gene mapped protein and protein mapped gene are also shown in the network.
If the mapped gene or protein is not from literature, square node would be used instead of Circle node.
Accordingly, the relationship is marked with dot line.
2. User can drag the nodes to rearrange the layout of the network. Click the node will enter the report page of the node.
Right-click will show also the menus to link to the report page of the node and remove the node and related edges.
Hover the node will show the level of the node and hover the edge will show the evidence/description of the edge.
3. The network is generated using Cytoscape Web
Negative relationships between COMT and MDD (count: 0)
Negative relationships between COMT and other components at different levels (count: 0)
Steroid hormones derived from cholesterol are a class of bio......
Steroid hormones derived from cholesterol are a class of biologically active compounds in vertebrates. The cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme CYP11A1 catalyzes conversion of cholesterol, a C27 compound, to the first C21 steroid, pregnenolone, which is converted by a bifunctional enzyme complex to the gestagen hormone, progesterone. Pregnenolone and progesterone are the starting materials for the three groups of steroids: C21 steroids of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, C19 steroids of androgens, and C18 steroids of estrogens. (i) Progesterone is converted by hydroxylations at carbons 21 and 11 to corticosterone, which is further modified by hydroxylation and oxydoreduction at carbon 18 to yield aldosterone, a mineralcorticoid. Cortisol, the main glucocorticoid, is formed from 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone with 11-deoxycortisol as an intermediate. (ii) Male hormone testosterone is formed from pregnenolone by two pathways, delta5 pathway via dehydroepiandrosterone and delta4 pathway via androstenedione. The enzyme CYP17A1 is responsible for the 17,20 lyase and 17alpha-hydroxylase activities in respective pathways. (iii) Female hormones estrone and estradiol are formed from testosterone and 4-androstene-3,17-dione by oxidative removal of the C19 methyl group and subsequent aromatization of ring A. In addition to these three groups, recent studies show that there is another group, termed neurosteroids, synthesized in the brain rather than the peripheral endocrine gland.More...
Phase II of biotransformation is concerned with conjugation,......
Phase II of biotransformation is concerned with conjugation, that is using groups from cofactors to react with functional groups present or introduced from phase I on the compound. The enzymes involved are a set of transferases which perform the transfer of the cofactor group to the substrate. The resultant conjugation results in greatly increasing the excretory potential of compounds. Although most conjugations result in pharmacological inactivation or detoxification, some can result in bioactivation. Most of the phase II enzymes are located in the cytosol except UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT), which are microsomal. Phase II reactions are typically much faster than phase I reactions therefore the rate-limiting step for biotransformation of a compound is usually the phase I reaction. Phase II metabolism can deal with all the products of phase I metabolism, be they reactive (Type I substrate) or unreactive/poorly active (Type II substrate) compounds. With the exception of glutathione, the conjugating species needs to be made chemically reactive after synthesis. The availability of the cofactor in the synthesis may be a rate-limiting factor in some phase II pathways as it may prevent the formation of enough conjugating species to deal with the substrate or it's metabolite. As many substrates and/or their metabolites are chemically reactive, their continued presence may lead to toxicity.More...
All organisms are constantly exposed to foreign chemicals ev......
All organisms are constantly exposed to foreign chemicals every day. These can be man-made. Once chemicals undergo functionalization, the electrophilic or nucleophilic species can be detrimental to biological systems. Electrophiles can react with electron-rich macromolecules such as proteins, DNA and RNA by covalent interaction whilst nucleophiles have the potential to interact with biological receptors. That's why conjugation is so important as it mops up these potentially reactive species. Many chemicals, when exposed to certain metabolizing enzymes can induce those enzymes, a process called enzyme induction. The effect of this is that these chemicals accelerate their own biotransformation and excretion. The reverse is also true where some chemicals cause enzyme inhibition. Some other factors that alter enzyme levels are sex, age and genetic predisposition. Between species, there can be considerable differences in biotransformation ability which is a problem faced by drug researchers interpreting toxicological results to humans.More...
Chemical synapses are specialized junctions that are used fo......
Chemical synapses are specialized junctions that are used for communication between neurons, neurons and muscle or gland cells. The synapse involves a pre-synaptic neuron and a post-synaptic neuron, muscle cell or glad cell. The pre and the post-synaptic cell are separated by a gap of 20nm called the synaptic cleft. The signals pass in a unidirection from pre-synaptic to post-synaptic. The pre-synaptic neuron communicates via the release of neurotransmitter which bind the receptors on the post-synaptic cell.More...
COMT related interactors from protein-protein interaction data in HPRD (count: 4)