Neurobiological Component Report

Basic Information
Name Alpha wave
Description Alpha waves are electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of 8-12 Hz arising from synchronous and coherent (in phase / constructive) electrical activity of thalamic pacemaker cells in humans. Alpha waves are one type of brain waves detected either by electroencephalography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG) and predominantly originate from the occipital lobe during wakeful relaxation with closed eyes. Alpha waves are reduced with open eyes, drowsiness and sleep. The third occurrence of alpha wave activity is the alpha-delta or slow-wave (SWS) state. This activity spreads across the brain in an anterior-posterior gradient.
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No. of Studies (Positive/Negative) 15 (15/0) Help

Positive relationship between Alpha wave and MDD (count: 11)
Name in Literature Reference Research Type Statistical Result Relation Description Help
Alpha2 (10-12 Hz) current density Lubar, 2003 patients and normal controls In the interhemispheric asymmetry analysis, compared with th...... In the interhemispheric asymmetry analysis, compared with the control group, the depression group exhibited a left-to-right Alpha2 (10-12 Hz) current density dominance in the left postcentral gyrus. More...
alpha (8-13 Hz) Allen, 2004 patients and normal controls Asymmetry (EEG alpha asymmetry) scores generally displayed g...... Asymmetry (EEG alpha asymmetry) scores generally displayed good internal consistency and exhibited modest stability over the 8- and 16-week assessment intervals. These findings suggest that resting EEG alpha asymmetry can be reliably assessed in clinically depressed populations. More...
high frequency power (>20Hz) Tekell, 2005 patients and normal controls P-value <0.0001 Schizophrenic (SZ) and major depressive disorder (MDD) patie...... Schizophrenic (SZ) and major depressive disorder (MDD) patients showed significantly greater high frequency (HF) power than healthy controls (HC) in all sleep stages (p<0.0001). More...
alpha Bruder, 2005 high-risk people and normal controls Offspring with both parents having MDD showed greater alpha ...... Offspring with both parents having MDD showed greater alpha asymmetry at medial sites, with relatively less activity (more alpha) over right central and parietal regions, compared with offspring having one or no parent with MDD. Offspring with both parents having a MDD also showed markedly greater anterior-to- posterior increase in alpha with eyes closed compared with those with one or no parent with a MDD. More...
alpha Fingelkurts, 2007 patients and normal controls Some of the functional connections were positively correlate...... Some of the functional connections were positively correlated with the severity of depression, thus being predictive. These were short-range anterior, posterior, and left hemisphere functional connections for the alpha frequency band More...
alpha Bruder, 2007 high-risk people and normal controls Grandchildren with both depressed parent and grandparent sho...... Grandchildren with both depressed parent and grandparent showed greater alpha asymmetry, with relatively less right than left hemisphere activity, when compared with those with neither depressed parent nor grandparent. Its presence in high-risk offspring and grandchildren without a lifetime history of MDD supports the hypothesis that an alpha asymmetry indicative of relatively less right than left parietal activity is an endophenotypic marker of vulnerability to a familial form of major depression. More...
alpha frequency band Korb, 2008 patients and normal controls MDD subjects showed significantly elevated current density i...... MDD subjects showed significantly elevated current density in delta, theta, alpha, beta1, and beta2 frequency bands relative to controls in anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices. More...
alpha Kohler, 2011 patients and normal controls P-value = 0.005 Compared with healthy controls, patients had more alpha acti...... Compared with healthy controls, patients had more alpha activity (p = 0.005) More...
alpha Segrave, 2010 patients and normal controls MDD participants displayed greater upper alpha ERS than cont...... MDD participants displayed greater upper alpha ERS than controls during the online information maintenance component of WM processing. This was evident over left, but not right, parieto-occipital cortex. More...
alpha Kemp, 2010 patients and normal controls globally increased alpha power in MDD globally increased alpha power in MDD
alpha Segrave, 2011 patients and normal controls Within the MDD group, antidepressant use was associated with...... Within the MDD group, antidepressant use was associated with significantly greater right than left hemispheric power in the lower alpha 1 band. More...

Positive relationships between Alpha wave and other components at different levels (count: 9) Help
Genetic/epigenetic locus   Protein and other molecule   Cell and molecular pathway   Neural system   Cognition and behavior   Symptoms and signs   Environment
SNP Gene Region Epigenetic site Protein Molecule Pathway Cell Neurobiological system Brain morphology and function Cognition and behavior Symptoms Signs Environment

Positive relationship network of Alpha wave in MK4MDD
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1. The different color of the nodes denotes the level of the nodes.
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus Protein and Other Molecule Cell and Molecular Pathway Neural System Cognition and Behavior Symptoms and Signs Environment MDD
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus Protein and Other Molecule Cell and Molecular Pathway Neural System Cognition and Behavior Symptoms and Signs Environment MDD
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3. The network is generated using Cytoscape Web Cytoscape Web
Negative relationships between Alpha wave and MDD (count: 0)
Negative relationships between Alpha wave and other components at different levels (count: 0) Help