Study Report

CitationPedrelli, 2010 PubMed
Full InfoPedrelli, P., Baer, L., Losifescu, D.V. and Fava, M. (2010) Relationship between residual symptoms of depression and self-reported cognitive impairment. CNS Spectr, 15, 46-51.

Hypothesis or Background The present study aimed to investigate the associations between residual symptoms of depression and specific self-reported symptoms in several cognitive domains.
Sample Information117 patients with partially or fully remitted major depressive disorder (MDD)
Method DetailThe study investigated 117 patients with partially or fully remitted major depressive disorder (MDD) after treatment with antidepressant medications.
Method Keywordsclinical test
ResultFatigue was significantly associated with inability to focus, alertness, and feeling blue; low interest and difficulty with concentration were associated with apathy. No associations were found between deficits in the cognitive domains considered and residual symptoms such as self-blaming, feeling worthless, feeling hopeless, having suicidal thoughts, difficulty with sleep, and lack of appetite.
ConclusionsAmong MDD remitted patients endorsing residual symptoms such as fatigue and feeling blue, deficits in a range of cognitive domains should be carefully assessed and treated.

Relationships reported by Pedrelli, 2010