Cognition and Behavior Report

Basic Information
Name Working memory
Description Working memory has been defined as the system which actively holds information in the mind to do verbal and nonverbal tasks such as reasoning and comprehension, and to make it available for further information processing. Working memory tasks are those that require the goal-oriented active monitoring or manipulation of information or behaviors in the face of interfering processes and distractions.
No. of Studies (Positive/Negative) 16 (16/0) Help

Positive relationships betweenWorking memory and MDD (count: 13)
Name in Literature Reference Research Type Statistical Result Relation Description Help
impaired working memory Pelosi, 2000 patients and normal controls This study provides objective evidence that major depression...... This study provides objective evidence that major depression significantly affects working memory. The ERP changes in depression could be accounted for by dysfunction of the central executive control of working memory. Patients made more mistakes than controls as the memory load was increased from one to 5 digits and had significantly slower reaction times at all levels of memory load. More...
working memory Landro, 2001 patients and normal controls Bonferroni corrected univariate analyses of variance showed ...... Bonferroni corrected univariate analyses of variance showed that patients performed significantly below controls in the following areas: selective attention, working memory, verbal long-term memory, and verbal fluency. More...
working memory deficit Landro, 2001 patients and normal controls Two functions were areas of differential deficits in the dep...... Two functions were areas of differential deficits in the depressed group: selective attention and working memory. Impaired verbal long-term memory seemed to reflect an underlying working memory deficit. More...
spatial working memory Weiland-Fiedler, 2004 patients and normal controls Patients with remitted MDD relative to controls were impaire...... Patients with remitted MDD relative to controls were impaired on tasks of rapid visual information processing (RVIP), psychomotor performance and spatial working memory (SWM). More...
working memory O'Brien, 2004 patients and normal controls Depressed subjects showed multiple impairments in attention,...... Depressed subjects showed multiple impairments in attention, working memory, visual memory, verbal memory, new learning, and executive function in relation to comparison subjects. More...
working memory Rapoport, 2005 patients only Subjects with major depression, compared to those without, w...... Subjects with major depression, compared to those without, were found to have significantly lower scores on measures of working memory, More...
impairment of working memory Rose, 2006 patients and normal controls These observations support a relatively specific impairment ...... These observations support a relatively specific impairment of working memory/central executive function in MDD, which may potentially mediate the diverse pattern of cognitive dysfunction noted in MDD. More...
working memory Matsuo, 2007 patients and normal controls This study provides in vivo imaging evidence of abnormal fro...... This study provides in vivo imaging evidence of abnormal frontolimbic circuit function during working memory processing in individuals with MDD. More...
working-memory Schoning, 2009 patients and normal controls Working-memory challenge in the euthymic state of MDD reveal...... Working-memory challenge in the euthymic state of MDD revealed a dissociation of lateral prefrontal and cingulate brain function. More...
working memory Hinkelmann, 2009 patients and normal controls Compared with healthy subjects, patients had significantly h...... Compared with healthy subjects, patients had significantly higher cortisol levels and were impaired in verbal memory, visuospatial memory, working memory, and selective attention. More...
working memory Kaymak, 2010 patients and normal controls Patients were found to have significantly lower scores on me...... Patients were found to have significantly lower scores on measures of attention, working memory, psychomotor speed, executive functions, and visual and verbal memory fields. More...
working memory Braw, 2011 patients and normal controls The depressed patients had deficits in working memory compar...... The depressed patients had deficits in working memory compared to the healthy controls. More...
impaired working memory Pu, 2011 patients and normal controls MDD patients showed a smaller increase in lateral prefrontal...... MDD patients showed a smaller increase in lateral prefrontal and superior temporal cortex activation during the 2-back task and associated poorer task performance than healthy controls. More...

Positive relationships between Working memory and other level components at different levels (count: 7) Help
Genetic/epigenetic locus   Protein and other molecule   Cell and molecular pathway   Neural system   Cognition and behavior   Symptoms and signs   Environment
SNP Gene Region Epigenetic site Protein Molecule Pathway Cell Neurobiological system Brain morphology and function Cognition and behavior Symptoms Signs Environment

Positive relationship network of Working memory in MK4MDD
Network loading ...

1. The different color of the nodes denotes the level of the nodes.
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus Protein and Other Molecule Cell and Molecular Pathway Neural System Cognition and Behavior Symptoms and Signs Environment MDD
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus Protein and Other Molecule Cell and Molecular Pathway Neural System Cognition and Behavior Symptoms and Signs Environment MDD
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3. The network is generated using Cytoscape Web Cytoscape Web
Negative relationships betweenWorking memory and MDD (count: 0)
Negative relationships between Working memory and other level components at different levels (count: 0) Help