Brain Morphology and Function Report

Basic Information
Name Limbic lobe
Brain Morphology The limbic lobe is an arc-shaped region of cortex on the medial surface of each cerebral hemisphere of the mammalian brain, consisting of parts of the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. The term is ambiguous, with some authors including the paraterminal gyrus, the subcallosal area, the cingulate gyrus, the parahippocampal gyrus, the dentate gyrus, the hippocampus and the subiculum; while the Terminologia Anatomica includes the cingulate sulcus, the cingulate gyrus, the isthmus of cingulate gyrus, the fasciolar gyrus, the parahippocampal gyrus, the parahippocampal sulcus, the dentate gyrus, the fimbrodentate sulcus, the fimbria of hippocampus, the collateral sulcus, and the rhinal sulcus, and omits the hippocampus.
Brain Function Broca named the limbic lobe in 1878, identifying it with the cingulate and parahippocampal gyri, and associating it with the sense of smell. Treviranus having earlier noted that, between species, the size of the parahippocampal gyrus varies with the size of the olfactory nerve. In 1937 Papez theorized that a circuit including the hippocampal formation and the cingulate gyrus constitutes the neural substrate of emotional behavior, and Kl¨¹ver and Bucy reported that, in monkeys, resection involving the hippocampal formation and the amygdaloid complex has a profound effect on emotional responses. As a consequence of these publications, the idea that the entire limbic lobe is dedicated to olfaction receded, and a direct connection between emotion and the limbic lobe was established.
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No. of Studies (Positive/Negative) 8(8/0) Help

Positive relationships between Limbic lobe and MDD (count: 8)
Name in Literature Reference Research Type Statistical Result Relation Description Help
limbic regions Anand, 2005 patients and normal controls Depressed patients had increased activation of cortical and ...... Depressed patients had increased activation of cortical and limbic regions. More...
limbic regions Canli, 2004 patients and normal controls For happy words, depressed subjects exhibited less activatio...... For happy words, depressed subjects exhibited less activation than did controls to happy words in fronto-temporal and limbic regions. For sad words, depressed subjects showed more activation than did controls in the inferior parietal lobule and less activation in the superior temporal gyrus and cerebellum More...
limbic structures Milak, 2005 patients only Total HDRS(Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) score correlate...... Total HDRS(Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) score correlated positively with activity in a large bilateral ventral cortical and subcortical region that included limbic, thalamic, and basal ganglia structures. More...
limbic regions Perico, 2005 patients and normal controls Our findings confirmed the prediction that separate symptom ...... Our findings confirmed the prediction that separate symptom domains of the MDD syndrome are related to specific rCBF patterns, and extend results from prior studies that suggested the involvement of anterior cingulate, frontal, limbic and basal ganglia regions in the pathophysiology of MDD. More...
limbic brain areas Hasler, 2007 patients only Comorbid MDD was associated with a significantly more pronou...... Comorbid MDD was associated with a significantly more pronounced reduction in 5-HT(1A) receptor binding in TLE ( temporal lobe epilepsy) patients, extending into non-lesional limbic brain areas outside the epileptic focus. More...
limbic areas Lai, 2010 patients and normal controls Patients had deficits of gray matter volumes over limbic are...... Patients had deficits of gray matter volumes over limbic areas when compared to controls. More...
limbic-paralimbic regions Kessler, 2011 patients and normal controls Relative to control subjects, patients with depression showe...... Relative to control subjects, patients with depression showed increased hemodynamic responses in limbic-paralimbic and subcortical regions (e.g. amygdala and basal ganglia) but no signal decrease in prefrontal regions. More...
limbic areas Seidel, 2012 patients and normal controls Applying a psycho-physiological interaction analysis, we obs...... Applying a psycho-physiological interaction analysis, we observed reduced coupling between a dorsomedial PFC seed region and limbic areas during self-serving attributions in patients compared to controls. More...

Positive relationships between Limbic lobe and other components at different levels (count: 2) Help
Genetic/epigenetic locus   Protein and other molecule   Cell and molecular pathway   Neural system   Cognition and behavior   Symptoms and signs   Environment
SNP Gene Region Epigenetic site Protein Molecule Pathway Cell Neurobiological system Brain morphology and function Cognition and behavior Symptoms Signs Environment

Positive relationship network of Limbic lobe in MK4MDD
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1. The different color of the nodes denotes the level of the nodes.
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus Protein and Other Molecule Cell and Molecular Pathway Neural System Cognition and Behavior Symptoms and Signs Environment MDD
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus Protein and Other Molecule Cell and Molecular Pathway Neural System Cognition and Behavior Symptoms and Signs Environment MDD
2. User can drag the nodes to rearrange the layout of the network. Click the node will enter the report page of the node. Right-click will show also the menus to link to the report page of the node and remove the node and related edges. Hover the node will show the level of the node and hover the edge will show the evidence/description of the edge.
3. The network is generated using Cytoscape Web Cytoscape Web
Negative relationships between Limbic lobe and MDD (count: 0)
Negative relationships between Limbic lobe and other components at different levels (count: 0) Help