Study Report

CitationBogdan R, 2010 PubMed
Full InfoBogdan R, Perlis RH, Fagerness J, Pizzagalli DA. The impact of mineralocorticoid receptor ISO/VAL genotype (rs5522) and stress on reward learning. Genes Brain Behav 2010; 9(6): 658-667.

Hypothesis or Background
Sample InformationParticipants were excluded if they presented: current medical illness, attention-de?cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), head injury, loss of consciousness, seizures, current alcohol/substance abuse or dependence, smoking, use of psychotropic medications during the last 2 weeks, pregnancy or left handedness.
Method Detail In study 1, participants (n = 174) completed a probabilistic reward task under baseline (i.e. no-stress) conditions. In study 2, participants (n = 53) completed the task during a stress (threat-of-shock) and no-stress condition.
Method Keywordscognitive test; genotyping
Resultthe MR val allele, gene, showed a reduced ability to modulate behavior as a function of reward when facing an acute, uncontrollable stressor.

Relationships reported by Bogdan R, 2010