Study Report

CitationTroisi A, 2011 PubMed
Full InfoTroisi A, Frazzetto G, Carola V, Di Lorenzo G, Coviello M, D'Amato FR et al. Social hedonic capacity is associated with the A118G polymorphism of the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) in adult healthy volunteers and psychiatric patients. Soc Neurosci 2011; 6(1): 88-97.

Hypothesis or Background brain opioid hypothesis of social attachment
Sample Informationa mixed sample (N = 214) of adult healthy volunteers and psychiatric patients
Method Detail we analyzed the association between the A118G polymorphism of the OPRM1 and two different psychological constructs reflecting individual differences in the capacity to experience social reward. Compared to individuals expressing only the major allele (A) of the A118G polymorphism, subjects expressing the minor allele (G) had an increased tendency to become engaged in affectionate relationships, as indicated by lower scores on a self-report measure of avoidant attachment, and experienced more pleasure in social situations, as indicated by lower scores on a self-report measure of social anhedonia.
Method Keywordsclinical test; genotyping
Result subjects expressing the minor allele (G) of OPRM1 experienced more pleasure in social situations, as indicated by lower scores on a self-report measure of social anhedonia.
ConclusionsThe results reported here are in agreement with the brain opioid hypothesis of social attachment and the established role of opioid transmission in mediating affiliative behavior. The results reported here are in agreement with the brain opioid hypothesis of social attachment and the established role of opioid transmission in mediating affiliative behavior.

Relationships reported by Troisi A, 2011