Brain Morphology and Function Report

Basic Information
Name Insular cortex
Brain Morphology In each hemisphere of the mammalian brain the insular cortex is a portion of the cerebral cortex folded deep within the lateral sulcus between the temporal lobe and the frontal lobe. The cortical area overlying it towards the lateral surface of the brain is the operculum (meaning "lid"). The opercula are formed from parts of the enclosing frontal, temporal and parietal lobes. It is believed to be involved in consciousness.The insular cortex is divided into two parts: the larger anterior insula and the smaller posterior insula in which more than a dozen field areas have been identified.
Brain Function The insulae play a role in diverse functions usually linked to emotion or the regulation of the body's homeostasis. These functions include perception, motor control, self-awareness, cognitive functioning, and interpersonal experience. In relation to these it is involved in psychopathology.
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No. of Studies (Positive/Negative) 8(8/0) Help

Positive relationships between Insular cortex and MDD (count: 6)
Name in Literature Reference Research Type Statistical Result Relation Description Help
left anterior insular cortex Horn, 2010 patients and normal controls Functional connectivity between pgACC and left anterior insu...... Functional connectivity between pgACC and left anterior insular cortex was significantly altered in the subgroup of severely depressed patients compared to healthy subjects and mildly depressed patients. More...
anterior insular cortex Biver, 1997 patients and normal controls In depressed patients, [18F]altanserin uptake was significan...... In depressed patients, [18F]altanserin uptake was significantly reduced in a region of the right hemisphere including the posterolateral orbitofrontal cortex and the anterior insular cortex. More...
insular cortex Cullen, 2009 patients and normal controls Seed-based connectivity analysis revealed that adolescents w...... Seed-based connectivity analysis revealed that adolescents with MDD have decreased functional connectivity in a subgenual ACC-based neural network that includes the supragenual ACC (BA 32), the right medial frontal cortex (BA 10), the left inferior (BA 47) and superior frontal cortex (BA 22), superior temporal gyrus (BA 22), and the insular cortex (BA 13). More...
left anterior insular cortex Takahashi, 2010 patients and normal controls Both current and remitted MDD patients showed significant vo...... Both current and remitted MDD patients showed significant volume reduction of the left anterior insular cortex as compared with healthy controls. More...
insular gyri Lee, 2011 patients and normal controls Decreased gray matter concentration was found in MDD patient...... Decreased gray matter concentration was found in MDD patients in the bilateral amygdalae, hippocampi, fusiform gyri, lingual gyri, insular gyri, middle-superior temporal gyri, thalami, cingulate gyri, the central lobule of the cerebellum, and the midbrain encompassing the dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN) More...
left insular cortex Dichter, 2012 patients and normal controls During the outcome phase of the task, the rMDD group was cha...... During the outcome phase of the task, the rMDD group was characterized by relatively decreased activation in bilateral orbital frontal cortex, right frontal pole, left insular cortex, and left thalamus. More...

Positive relationships between Insular cortex and other components at different levels (count: 6) Help
Genetic/epigenetic locus   Protein and other molecule   Cell and molecular pathway   Neural system   Cognition and behavior   Symptoms and signs   Environment
SNP Gene Region Epigenetic site Protein Molecule Pathway Cell Neurobiological system Brain morphology and function Cognition and behavior Symptoms Signs Environment

Positive relationship network of Insular cortex in MK4MDD
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1. The different color of the nodes denotes the level of the nodes.
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus Protein and Other Molecule Cell and Molecular Pathway Neural System Cognition and Behavior Symptoms and Signs Environment MDD
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus Protein and Other Molecule Cell and Molecular Pathway Neural System Cognition and Behavior Symptoms and Signs Environment MDD
2. User can drag the nodes to rearrange the layout of the network. Click the node will enter the report page of the node. Right-click will show also the menus to link to the report page of the node and remove the node and related edges. Hover the node will show the level of the node and hover the edge will show the evidence/description of the edge.
3. The network is generated using Cytoscape Web Cytoscape Web
Negative relationships between Insular cortex and MDD (count: 0)
Negative relationships between Insular cortex and other components at different levels (count: 0) Help