SNP Report

Basic Information
Name rs17226852 dbSNP Ensembl
Location Chrchr20:13973760(Forward)
Variant Alleles T/C
Ancestral Allele T
Annotation intron_variant; nc_transcript_variant; upstream_gene_variant
Consequence to Transcript intron_variant(ENST00000473203, ENST00000486903)
upstream_gene_variant(ENST00000217246, ENST00000284951, ENST00000310348, ENST00000378072, ENST00000423870, ENST00000462552, ENST00000477147, ENST00000483997, ENST00000490428, ENST00000492055, ENST00000494602)
No. of Studies (Positive/Negative) 1 (0/1) Help

Positive relationship between rs17226852 and MDD (count: 0)
Relationships between rs17226852 and other components at different levels (count: 0) Help
Negative relationships between rs17226852 and MDD (count: 1)
Reference Research Type Statistical Result Relation Description
Wray, 2010 patients and normal controls P-value <10 -5 associated with MDD(P <10 -5) associated with MDD(P <10 -5)

Negative relationships between rs17226852 and other components at different levels (count: 0) Help
rs17226852 related genes (count: 2)