We identified significant linkage to major depression in mal......
We identified significant linkage to major depression in males at marker D12S1300 (multipoint heterogeneity LOD score 4.6; P=.00003 after adjustment for multiple testing). With additional markers, the linkage evidence became highly significant, with the multipoint heterogeneity LOD score at marker D12S1706 increasing to 6.1 (P=.0000007 after adjustment for multiple testing). This study confirms the presence of one or more genes involved in psychiatric diseases on the q arm of chromosome 12 and provides strong evidence for the existence of a sex-specific predisposition gene to major depression at 12q22-q23.2.More...
Positive relationships between 12q22-q23.2 and other components at different levels (count: 0)
Positive relationship network of 12q22-q23.2 in MK4MDD
Network loading ...
1. The different color of the nodes denotes the level of the nodes.
Genetic/Epigenetic Locus
Protein and Other Molecule
Cell and Molecular Pathway
Neural System
Cognition and Behavior
Symptoms and Signs
2. User can drag the nodes to rearrange the layout of the network. Click the node will enter the report page of the node.
Right-click will show also the menus to link to the report page of the node and remove the node and related edges.
Hover the node will show the level of the node and hover the edge will show the evidence/description of the edge.
3. The network is generated using Cytoscape Web
Negative relationships between 12q22-q23.2 and MDD (count: 0)
Negative relationships between 12q22-q23.2 and other components at different levels (count: 0)